Local businesses and communities flourish with the support of high performing and robust power infrastructure and services. The Orion Partners recognise the role technology plays in the utility sector to build safe and resilient communities. We understand IT decision makers and mobility project leaders are looking for easier ways to…

Local businesses and communities flourish with the support of high performing and robust power infrastructure and services.
The Orion Partners recognise the role technology plays in the utility sector to build safe and resilient communities. We understand IT decision makers and mobility project leaders are looking for easier ways to share information between office-based and in-field staff to maximise value from every day.
The Orion partners deliver field communications solutions that allow you to automate processes to reduce time-consuming manual work and minimise operational risk.
- Integrated data capabilities to do more with less using business applications such as GPS location, text messaging, telemetry, job ticketing and safety/emergency response.
- Voice logging to record and replay radio conversations; critical information to better understand dialogue preceding an incident, and for investigative and training purposes.
- ‘Man down’ feature ensures worker safety in the event they have suffered a fall or accident by dispatching an alarm to the appropriate operator group when the device detects lack of movement, horizontal tilt or both.
- Battery fleet management to regularly monitor the health and status of your device fleet. By collecting data from each battery, you can now see recommendations of which batteries need replacing so that you can better optimise the life of your battery.
- Over-the-air programming allows you to update devices remotely, either via Wi-Fi or over the field communications network. Updates can be centrally managed and scheduled to minimise disruption to your business-critical communications and increase efficiencies to your in-field workers.
Clear and reliable radio communication is imperative. Orion can help you make this a reality. We deliver innovative communication solutions designed specifically for the Utility & Industrial Sectors.
The Orion Network’s digital two-way radio platform supports you in accelerating productivity, profitability and operations. Powered by Motorola’s MOTOTRBO™ Capacity Max digital technology our Utility solutions integrate portable and mobile radios, repeaters, data applications, accessories and services.
The RADAR Dashboard
Orion Radar is an open source analytics and visualisation platform, you can search, view, and interact with your data stored in Elasticsearch indices. This application layer provides operations and management the ability to easily perform advanced data analysis and visualise your data in a variety of charts, tables, and maps.
Fully customisable, the Orion RADAR application platform is the most powerful tool your team can have on-hand, ensuring accountability, safety and reporting are at the forefront of your management objectives. Please contact us today for further information and a full demonstration.
Real-time Data Secures Your Fleet
Individual data calls
Group voice calls
Individual voice calls
Emergency alarms
30 Day Network Activity
Jemena is a gas pipeline operator managing a network of 23,000 kilometres of pipelines which distribute gas to 1.3 million customers throughout New South Wales.
With assets worth more than $10.5 billion, and a high reliance by consumers, Jemena’s safety of field resources is a key priority for the organisation.
Jemena requires accurate and reliable communications system to keep their teams connected and critical information flowing.
The technology solution provided by Orion Network Partner, Mastercom, includes the latest wireless communications radio technology using Motorola 4000e-series devices with wide-area group voice communications, GPS location tracking, Wi-Fi and BLE features.
Using the Orion Network and TRBOnet console and dispatch software, Jemena’s first responders connect directly with the head office control room, allowing operators to manage field service activities for maintenance, servicing and emergency response.
The application layer has enabled incident planners in the control room to make informed operational and business decisions to improve resource management, reduce first responder travel time and meet the regulatory response time commitments.
Since installing the technology Job dispatch times are now less than three minutes from the time of initial call and on-site response times have improved to be now under 30 minutes from the time of the initial call to arrival on-site. (The NSW regulator standard is 60 minutes.)
Blue Mountains Bushfires 
During the Blue Mountains bushfires, Jemena was able to successfully manage their remote teams using the technology provided by Mastercom and the Orion Network.
“We learned a lot about communications during the Blue Mountains bushfires in NSW in 2013,” said Sue Jackman, Jemena General Manager, Networks Operations and Control.
“With mobile towers down and no GPS, the only devices working were radio. Fortunately, our radio system not only enabled our field crews to communicate with each other, the system also enabled the control room to locate and track the whereabouts of our people on the ground.
“Similarly, geofencing allowed us to automatically ensure our people were at muster points when required. During the several days of this emergency we could account for every employee for every minute they were working.
“From that point on, we knew communication across the whole Jemena network had to be about more than just relaying information. We knew it also had to be about using technology to keep our teams connected.”
READ MORE about the Jemena solution by clicking here or downloading the PDF here.
Or CONTACT US today to find out how we can keep your teams and assets connected in any situation.